Church Officers

  Overview. Officers in the Harrow Seventh-day Adventist Church normally serve for two years. This facilitates continuity and development of spititual gifts and eliminates the work involved in having yearly elections.  While it is not advisable for one person to serve indefinitely in a particular position, officers may be re-elected. 
  Church Minister. The ordained minister, assigned to a local church, ranks above the local elder; the elder serves as his assistant.  By virtue of his ordination to the ministry he is qualified to function in all church rites and ceremonies.  He should be the spiritual leader and advisor of the church.  He should instruct the church officers in their duties and plan with them for all lines of church work and activity. When a minister is appointed by the conference committee as pastor of the church, it is understood that he is a member of the church board and serves as its chairman.  The minister with the assistance of the elders, is expected to plan for and lead out in all spiritual services of the church, such as Sabbath morning worship and prayer meeting, and should officiate at the communion service and baptism.  
  Elder. Religious leaders of the church - Elders must be recognised by the church as strong spiritual leaders and must have good reputations both in the church and community.  In the absence of a pastor, elders are the spiritual leaders of the church and by precept and example must seek to lead the church into a deeper and fuller Christian experience.  The elder has to foster all lines of church work.  The elder should maintain a mutually helpful relationship with all other church officers.
  Deacon. The deacon should be prepared to assist at services and meetings, to visit members, assist in preparation for baptismal services, assist at communion service, do what is possible for the sick, where applicable be involved in maintenance of the church property. 
  Deaconess. Deaconesses serve the church in a wide variety of activities, including:
1.  Greeting visiting guests and members.
2   Asistance at Baptisms - Deaconesses ensure that female candidates are cared for both before and after the ceremony.
3.   Arragements for the Communion Service - Deaconesses and deacons arrange for everything needed for this service and see that everything used is cared for afterward.  Before the Communion service begins, deaconesses set the communion table, including preparing the bread and wine, pouring the wine, placing the plates of unleavened bread, and covering the table with the linen provided for that purpose.  Deaconesses assist in the service of foot-washing, giving special aid to women visitors and new members.
4.   The Care of the Sick and the Poor - Deaconesses assist deacons in caring for the sick, needy, and unfortunate.
5.   Care and maintenance of Property - in churches where the responsibility for the care and maintenance of church property does not lie elsewhere. 
  Church Treasurer. The church treasurer is the custodian of all church funds. Monies received are counted and banked; reports are furnished regularly for the church board, the church business meeting and the conference. The treasurer arranges payments as they arise.  
  Church Clerk. The church clerk is secretary at church board meetings and church business meetings.  The church clerk is the keeper of the church records, both minutes and the membership list. The church clerk will furnish reports at required intervals to the local church and the conference. He, or she, will arrange for transfer of members as movement takes place.  
  Children's Ministries Co-ordinator. The leader is to develop specific ministries to nurture the faith of children so as to develop a loving, serving relationship with Jesus. 
  Health Ministries Co-ordinator.  For an efficient programme to be planned and implemented in the church, it is necessary for the church to elect a Health Ministries leader.  He/she should be health orientated and interested in promoting the church’s standards in healthful living among the members and in the community through church-operated health ministries programmes.  The leader should be able to screen programmes and information that are representative of the ideals and philosophy of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and to integrate them into an effective spiritual-physical witness.

  Family Life Co-ordinator. An individual or married couple may be elected to serve as the Family Life Co-ordinator.  The individual should have a positive attitude about God, self, others, and the church.  The  leader should model strong and growing family relationships and exhibit a sincere interest in fostering the well-being of all families.  In order to be effective, it is necessary for the family ministries leader to have an understanding of God’s redemptive plan for dealing with the brokenness in relationships which sin has brought.  It is also important that the leader be able to maintain confidentiality and know when and how to encourage individuals in critical situations to seek professional counselling.
  Interest Co-ordinator. It is important that the many interests developed through the church’s missionary outreach be cared for promptly.  To this end, an interest co-ordinator should be elected at the time of the election of church officers.  This person is a member of the church board and the Personal Ministries Council and works directly with the pastor and chairperson of that council.
Duties include keeping an organised list of all interests received by the church from every source, such as Community Services, Ingathering, public evangelism, Bible studies, lay preaching and witnessing contacts, outreach (missionary) magazines, Sabbath School evangelism, literature evangelism, temperance and health evangelism, radio-TV, and church outreach (missionary) literature.
  Media Department. The leader will co-ordinate the team members working with media equipment to enhance hearing of the message in church and also to provide a link to those unable to attend the church in person. There is the Zoom link and in some churches live streaming of the message. 
  Men's Ministries Co-ordinator. The leader will oversee the activities of the male members of the congregation especially in relation to lay preaching, prison ministry and community services. He will nurture the men of he church and report to the church board.        
  Music Ministries Co-ordinator. Music leaders should work closely with the pastor or elders in order that musical selections harmonize with the sermon theme. The music leader is under the direction of the pastor or elders and does not work independently. The music leader should counsel with them about the music to be rendered and the selection of singers and musicians. Sacred music is an important part of public worship. The church must exercise care in selecting choir members and other musicians who will rightly represent Church principles.

  Personal Ministries Department. The Personal Ministries Leader is elected by the church to lead in training and directing the church in active outreach (missionary) service. The Personal Ministries Department provides resources and trains church members to unite their efforts with the ministry and church officers  in the final proclamation of the gospel of salvation in Christ. The aim of the department is to enlist every member in active soul-winning service for God.   
  Prayer Ministries Co-ordinator. The Prayer Ministries Co-ordinator will be conscious of the need of Bible study and prayer as a means of maintaining spiritual food. In a time when the world is full of printed matter or the equivalent on electronic devices the need is ever present to be refreshed with heavenly influence. Prayer is a two-way conversation in which believers listen to God and talk to Him. The Prayer Ministries Co-ordinator will endeavour to bring to the notice of members both regular and special needs within the church and the world in general. Wisdom should be sought of God, and plans be laid to make the prayer meetings interesting and attractive.
  Sabbath School Superintendent.  The Sabbath School is the primary religious education system of the church an has four purposes: study of the scriptures, fellowship, community outreach, and world mission emphasis.  The Sabbath School Superintendent is the leading officer of the Sabbath School.  He or she plans for the smooth operation of the school.
  Teens Ministries Co-ordinator. The purpose of the Teens Ministries Co-ordinator is similar to that of the Youth leader but bears in mind the difference in age group whether in Sabbath School or other activities. The purpose is to build character, provide social interaction, give leadership training, and involve the teens in Christian service.
  Women's Ministries Leader. Women’s ministries upholds, encourages, and challenges women in their daily walk as disciples of Jesus Christ and as members of His church. Its objectives are to foster spiritual growth and renewal; affirm that women are of immeasurable worth by virtue of their creation and redemption, equip them for service, and offer women’s perspectives on church issues; minister to the broad spectrum of women’s needs, with regard for multicultural and multiethnic perspectives; cooperate with other departments to facilitate ministry to women and of women; build good will among women to encourage mutual support and creative exchange of ideas; mentor and encourage women and create paths for their involvement in the church; and find ways and means to challenge each woman to use her gifts to further global mission.
  Youth Leader. The Youth Leader as a follower of Jesus must exemplify the graces of a genuine Christian, with a burden for soul winning and a contagious enthusiasm.  In helping to motivate the youth to work together and take responsibilities, the leader will be in the background - guiding, counseling, and encouraging the youth, helping them to gain experience and the joys of achievement.
  Communications Secretary. The Communications Department promotes the use of a programme of public relations and all contemporary communication techniques, sustainable technologies, and media in the promulgation  of the everlasting gospel.

The Communications Secretary performs a two-way role of gathering and disseminating news of interest to the church and informing other organisations about church events. 

  Ingathering Agent. 

The local agent represents the Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA). The expression “Ingathering” meaning the reaping of funds from benevolent donors, was replaced by ADRA.

The work of ADRA, a global humanitarian organisation, delivers relief and development to individuals in more than 118 countries.  ADRA is changing the world through Health, Education, Livelihood, and emergency response efforts. Door-to-door collections ceased while the world was affected by the Covid virus and alternative means sought to provide much needed funds.  

  Hospitality Co-ordinator. Twice a month our church provides light refreshments at lunch time followed by an afternoon meeting. The Hospitality Co-ordinator encourages her team to provide the right foods for a satisfying meal.  There is also the need for cutlery, crockery and other articles.